Search Engine in Brazil: the 5 most commonly used search engines and their market share

Diego Ivo

Diego Ivo

Google is the leader in Brazilian search engine industry, with impressive 98.88% of market share compared to Bing, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo and Ask

Most Used Search Engine in Brazil

When you’re running an international SEO or an digital marketing global expansion strategy, research the most used search engines in each country is the basics. In Brazil, Google is the absolute leader with almost 99% of market share and 4.5 billion visits per month.

These data are impressive, but you should check that other 5 top search engines have almost 51 million visits per month, according to SimilarWeb. Using Semrush data, Yahoo! in Brazil has 25.9 mi visits per month and 23.2 mi, very close to SimilarWeb data. In other words, Brazilian people almost use just Google as their search engine. You also can check the most popular search engines in the world.

Ranking: most used search engine in Brazil

Please check our search engine ranking in Brazil table:

Search EngineMarket ShareMonthly Traffic
1. Google98.88%4.481B
2. Yahoo!0.5%22.68M
3. Bing0.39%17.87M
4. DuckDuckGo0.21%9.309M
5. Ask0.02%882K
Source: SimilarWeb

Click here to check the list of most Searched Keywords on Google

The SEO Brazilian Market

Looking at the big picture, the country has an unstable economic environment and a population of 212 million big consumers (the 7th in the world), a legacy from the 70’s and 80’s hyperinflation period. It’s the 10th largest economy in the world and, in 2022, is on a short list of countries with predicted GDP growth this year. Along with other Latin American countries, Brazil is a prime region for investors and global companies looking for new markets.

In the 2022 world crisis scenario, a lot of countries are predicting a decrease in GDP, like the United States which forecast is -0.9% for 2022. On the other hand, the Brazilian forecast for this year is an amazing growth of 2.5% in GDP. Employment rates are increasing month over month. In economics, the stock market resumed a growth path and in August 2022 the biggest players’ stock value increased almost 20%.

Digital economy

Brazil’s digital economy is a big Blue Ocean for international players looking to come ashore on the world’s 10th biggest economy. In contrast to the English and/or Spanish speaking search universes, ours remains a little challenging, taking into consideration that queries with a monthly search volume of 60,000+ are absolutely normal.

In International Link Building terms, there’s relatively low competition as SEO practices in Brazil exchange backlinks or guest posts, an old fashioned technique. The news sites in Brazil are losing viewership and are thirsty for great content, data and stories, and although some journalists don’t give backlinks, most news sites do and they’re an important source.

You can also download our free e-book about SEO in Brazil and learn more about the Brazilian e-commerce market.


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